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Showing posts from June, 2015

Stories from a Night On-Call

Stories From a Night On-Call or How I Spent My Youth Saying Goodbye Mr. T.Y. had difficult problems.  He was a 60 something pipe fitter who was suffering from metabolic disease.  Metabolic disease is a term that doctors use to lump together health problems that are related to problems with glucose and fat metabolism and often lead to heart attacks, stroke and kidney diseases.  Mr. T.Y. was overweight, had high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, and he had some smoking-related lung disease.   I had met him several times over my first two years of my internal medicine residency.  Usually we met late at night in the emergency room.  He would come in, finding it hard to breathe, leaning forward on his swollen knees huffing and puffing saying “Doc, I just can’t catch my breath, my feet have swollen up and I feel like crap”.  Our usual routine was to do some tests, and start him on some diuretics; often he was suffering from heart failure...

Why I think Tim Caulfield Should Rethink His Top 5 List of Things to Do For Your Health

Professor Timothy Caulfield gave a very entertaining lecture this evening as part of the Edmonton Community Foundation's ECL Lecture Series.  In fact he has done a lot of research and published extensively in both the scientific and lay press about how popular culture is shaping our approach to health, and our attitudes towards science.  Interesting reading. The rise of pseudoscience, propagated by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jenny McCarthy, and Dr. Oz just to name a few, has led to our society believing and trying all sorts of weird and wonderful things in the name of beauty and greater health.   As a physician, I am often struggling to debunk myths and provide my patients with solid medical advice and references that they can access to answer their questions. Unlike Dr. Caulfied, I have not done a lot of rigorous research in this area; so hats off to him for doing this and in such an interesting area.  As a consumer, mom, professional, and human being ...