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Showing posts with the label Diabetes care

Why The COVID19 Pandemic could be very good for Diabetes Care

I have wanted to develop "Just-in-time" care for patients with diabetes via the idea of a virtual clinic.  What this means to me is that the right patient is connected with the right diabetes team at the right time. Our current paradigm is to have pre-scheduled clinic visits - a nice, tidy, orderly progression of patients coming to see the team for advice.  There are several problems with this model - it's not really the best use of limited resources.  Patient selection is random in that patients who come happen to be the ones who were referred, but this does not necessarily equate to those who need to be seen the most.  Conceivably, if each member of the team (RN, RD, MD) spends time with the patient, up to 3 or more hours are dedicated to serving one patient.  It's just not efficient and it's not really patient centred care when the patient has to take time away from work and the costs also include transportation, parking, childcare etc.  For many pa...