I cried when I saw the image of Abdullah Kurdi, holding the body of his 3-year-old drowned son Alan, just before he was buried in a public funeral in Kobani. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/drowned-syrian-boys-mother-buried-in-kobani-1.3215349 It's an image that I won't forget. His is just one of hundreds of thousands of stories that highlight how our world deals with humans in an unkind and unfair way. I'm not an expert in politics, economics, religion, or law - but I can say that we all live on this earth and I'm pretty sure that we could share it more equitably. The thing about this story that made me cry the most - was the fact that Abdullah and his deceased family were flown to a city near Turkey's border with Syria and the enscorted to Kobani by police. Why did I cry? I couldn't help but think about how much that must have cost, and how many children like Alan could have been fed, clothed, housed, or relocated to safety for the price of this expen...