I've been watching Jeff Cavalier of Athlean-X for several years now. Jeff is a physiotherapist, exercise therapist and personal trainer extra-ordinaire. He really knows his stuff. He goes to great lengths to post no-nonsense advice, explain the science behind training and has put together some fabulous programs for those interested in getting fit, lean and strong. His side-kick Jessie, is a hoot and together they make some great free videos that you can follow on their you-tube channel. I go there whenever I have a workout question or concern, and I spent a LOT of time reviewing Jeff's advice after I injured my back 2 years ago. His advice has really changed the way that I work out.
Athlean-X is really focussed on men, but Jeff has also created a series of workout plans for women and the trainers on the Athlean-XX website are excellent. Susan is my favorite, but I really like all of them. I subscribed to their workout and diet plan for a while, but because I like to cook, and was paying for personal training, I did not use the plans as much as I would have. I still love the advice and the demonstrations and find that these trainers really know their stuff.
Check it out, see what you think. One last link - here is trainer Susan demonstrating some challenging balance and full-body work on instagram.
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